Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lesson Learned: USPS Flat Rate Boxes and Me

Having a business and being an entrepreneur is a constant learning experience. Some lessons are costly, some are cheap and some don't cost a thing. I have learned a valuable and semi-costly lesson from the USPS and their flat rate boxes that I want to share.

Okay first of all, the boxes are free. You think great, that will save me a ton of money because I don't have to buy boxes, you are getting them for FREE from the USPS. Yea! How friggin' easy can that be; you can order them online in their different sizes and they come nicely packed right to your door. What could possibly go wrong, right? Paying too much for shipping, that's what!

There is no real variety in the size of these boxes, although, there seems to be. I found myself paying $10+ dollars for packages that would have been cheaper if I had used a non-branded box. I have paid $4.95 using the small flat rate box when the actual cost by weight was much less....much, much, much less.

Problem solved: I have purchased boxes in different sizes and shapes, that will still be branded, but it will be MY BRAND. How will I do that and save money, I'll use the labels that got rejected (only because I'm a freak) but are great and will look fantastic on the boxes.

Simply solutions and money savers too.

Some people swear by the USPS Flat Rate boxes and I don't begrudge them their fondness for the brand, but it just didn't work for me. Now what am I going to do with all of the boxes stacked around my house? I'll take them to my local post office so someone else can use them.

As always, be well

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